The next Tiffin Seneca Farmers Market will take place on the first full weekend of fall this Saturday, September 25. This weekend, the vendors will have many fall-favorite sweet treats and beautiful fall themed decorations.
Reihm Produce Farm will have all the fall decorations. They will have a variety of mums, pumpkins, and corn stalks. In additions to the decorations, they will also have apple cider, apples, carrots, sweet and hot peppers, sweet corn, tomatillo, swiss chard cilantro, collards, eggplant, zucchini, lettuce, onion, parsley, tomato, fennel, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, garlic, potatoes, fall squash, and romas cabbage.
Pumpkin cookies will be available from Raizen Girls cookies. Me & The Boys, LLC has the newest line up of fall scented Jeffy’s Birthday Cake, Pumpkin Crunch, Carmel Apple, Candy Corn, and Pumpkin Roll. They will also have mini pumpkin candles. In addition to the candles, they also have Pumpkin Cupcake soap.

“Spooky Season is one of my favorite times of the year! I also get to put together some of my favorite scents. My personal favorite is the Carmel Apple,” said Kaitlyn Logan, Owner of Me & The Boys LLC.
Hopes landing will be offering five fall scented candles, a seasonal soap, and a seasonal lotion. They will also Their scents include Pumpkin Carmel Crunch, Pumpkin Souffle, Warm Rustic Woods, Apple Maple Bourbon, and Sunflower and Sandalwood.
This week children’s activity will involve mini pumpkin decorating. Children of all ages will have the opportunity to create a pumpkin face to take home and add to fall decorations. The station will be mess free and have stickers to create faces on the pumpkins. There will also be market bingo for kids to play as they go around the market and find different items from the different vendors.
“The Seneca County Common Ground Board and I are all very excited for all of the fall produce, decorations and fun that families can have at the farmers market. We would like to thank our sponsor Sutton Bank, because without them we would not be able to do all of the fun children’s activities,” said Market Manager, Kirsten Ameling.
The vendors for this week includes: Ada Glee’s Garden, Allen Eiry Center, Alzheimer's Association, Baked By Bells, Bella Cuisine, Catawba Island Juice Co., Countryside Acres, Clay Hill Organic, Creative Pottery, Delicious Food Truck, Drowns Produce, DJ’s Honey, Enders Maple Treats, Friends of the Tiffin Seneca Public Library, Flo’s Homemade Pies, Kisler Farms Hopes Landing, LB’s Eclectic Eats, Me and the Boys, Miss Cindy’s Cookies, Project Noelle, Put Your Name on it, Raizen Girls Cookies, Riehm Produce Farm, Rose Leaf Flowers, Seneca County SNAP Education Smith Brothers Sweets, Tiffin City Schools, the Tiffin Lions Club The Tiffin 200 Club, and The Tiffin Elks.
To learn more about the Tiffin Seneca Farmers Market and about the Market Bank programs, visit and subscribe at www.tiffinsenecafarmersmarket.com/. If you are interested in becoming a vendor or have questions, you may contact the Market Manager, Kirsten Ameling, at manager@sccommonground.org.
About Seneca County Common Ground
Created in 2019, Seneca County Common Ground (SCCG) is a new organization whose mission is to strengthen Seneca County's local food system through collaboration to improve the overall health and growth of our community, and a vision of a vibrant, accessible and sustainable local food system in Seneca County that supports the health of residents, businesses and institutions. The board of the organization includes Seneca County OSU Extension Agent Hallie Williams, Reverend Aaron Gerlach of Old Trinity Episcopal Church, local business owner and chair of the Downtown Retailers Committee Dave Spridgeon, local business leader Dale Depew, TSEP Development Manager Audrey Flood, and local food vendors Kristy Buskirk of Clay Hill Farms and John Riehm of Riehm Produce Farm. SCCG oversees the operations of the Tiffin Seneca Farmers Market and supports other local food initiatives including the Tiffin Community Kitchen Project. Find out more at sccommonground.org or find Seneca County Common Ground on Facebook.